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Battle Plan #53

Battle Plan #53

This summer begins with much less fear than the summer of 2020, for that we should all be thankful. However, the threats to our well-being persist. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only power which can transform a human heart and restore us to the Creator’s intended...

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Podcast With Gen. Boykin and Lt. Col. Oliver North

Podcast With Gen. Boykin and Lt. Col. Oliver North

What does it look like to stand in the Truth of God's Word in the face of opposition? Find an example by listening to Pastor Allen's recent discussion with Lt. Col. Oliver North and Gen. William G. Boykin — two men who continue to stand firm in their faith,...

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Battle Plan #53

Battle Plans 1 to 52

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pastor Allen began issuing weekly Battle Plans, with thoughts, scriptures, and prayers to help us navigate through each week. As the year unfolded, it became apparent that our battle wasn't just against a virus. We are in a...

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LET’S PRAY: Lord, End the Violence

LET’S PRAY: Lord, End the Violence

As violence washes across our nation, city after city, distrust toward law enforcement and rejection of authority continues to be cultivated. As Christ-followers, we must choose to be an awake and active influence, even if the violence has not yet reached our own...

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National Day of Prayer Events

National Day of Prayer Events

The key to a future that honors the Lord lies in the hearts of God's people. At World Outreach Church, we're making the National Day of Prayer a 24-hour event available in person, or over Live Stream. Learn more and register at the World Outreach Church website. There...

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May 2021 Letter From Pastor Allen

May 2021 Letter From Pastor Allen

Dear Friend, We are all witnesses. We’ve had front-row seats to a continuing season of unprecedented change. We're in a new place, and a new time. New responses are being required. The way we were following the Lord was our path to destruction. We were losing our...

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Now Find Pastor Allen On Bott Radio Network!

Now Find Pastor Allen On Bott Radio Network!

As one of our listeners navigated life with a small business and three children, a radio station out of Fresno, California, streamed hope, encouragement, and godly wisdom into her car. Every day, Bott Radio Network equipped her with God's Truth, helping her to be a...

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LET’S PRAY: Lord, End the Violence

LET’S PRAY: We Say YES, Lord!

I believe with all my heart that God is purifying His Church. The events of the last year have been intended to awaken the Church—to shake us from our slumber, our routines, and our habits. I believe He’s asking us to make decisions today that will allow His purposes,...

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We Added Another 180 Stations!

We Added Another 180 Stations!

A mundane drive across town turns into a powerful time in God's Word, thanks to the radio. Every week we hear from people who rely on our radio broadcasts to help equip them for the day:  My 11-year-old son and I listen to your radio program on the way to school...

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May 2021 Letter From Pastor Allen

April 2021 Letter From Pastor Allen

Dear Friend, Too often, I think we imagine God’s blessings come only in peace and an absence of conflict. Israel, a tiny sliver of a country that thrives in the midst of opposition, reminds us that almighty God is able to protect us, even when He’s prepared a table...

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