Sometimes it can feel difficult to follow God. Maybe you’ve been walking through a challenging season. You’re weary from the pressure of standing up for your biblical worldview. You’re tired of doing the right thing when no one seems to notice.
Pastor Allen has a word of encouragement for you today:
This clip is from Pastor Allen’s sermon, “The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood.” You can watch the full sermon here.
Mary was an unmarried teenager when the Lord chose her to be the mother of Jesus—an assignment that came with considerable costs. Instead of complaining, she said: “I am the Lord’s servant … May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38)
Wouldn’t it be ideal if we responded that way, every time the Lord asked us to do something new? The reality is that most of us don’t. Instead, we tell God, “I’m too tired. I’m not qualified. I’m too busy. That’s not what I want to do.”
The Bible is full of people just like us, and Pastor Allen highlights several of them in his sermon, “Let’s Please God — Lead a Life of Significance.” It’s an encouraging message that will help you recognize that God-assignments are rarely easy and often come with opposition. But if we consistently choose to say “yes” to God—even when it’s difficult—He will accomplish extraordinary things through our daily lives.
— Allen Jackson Ministries