Pastor Allen Speaks Out!

Pastor Allen Speaks Out!

Pastor Allen continually tells us to be bold. Share our God-stories. Take our faith outside the church building and live it out, everywhere we go. Here are three places where he did exactly that—sharing his biblical worldview in places beyond the pulpit. We think...
God Is Moving and We Are Growing!

God Is Moving and We Are Growing!

There are seasons of heightened significance; defining moments where the choices we make have long-term impacts upon our lives, and our futures. We are experiencing one of those seasons. We intend to be fully committed to following God into new places, including these...

Thanksgiving Special on TBN

Take time to prepare your heart for Thanksgiving by watching TBN’s hour-long special, “Give Thanks with Pastor Allen Jackson” on Friday, November 19th at 8, 9, 10, or 11pm Eastern Time. Watch on your TV or on the TBN website. If you miss the show on...
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