Sep 1, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
I encourage you to become familiar with the Apostles’ Creed, one of the oldest creedal statements in the Christian church. It served as an easy-to-memorize checklist for the early believers. They recognized that if you could break the Creed and insert errant ideas...
Aug 31, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
Please join me in praying for those who have been impacted by Hurricane Idalia. From the Florida Gulf Coast all the way up through North Carolina, thousands of people are encountering true hardship—emergency rescues, destroyed homes, and more than 300,000 are still...
Aug 25, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
Our children have to see us live out our faith in a vibrant way. Simple things like sharing our biblical worldview at the kitchen table, praying as we go through our day, and working to see other people (even the difficult ones) through the eyes of Jesus, make our...
Aug 14, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
Please join us in praying for the people in Maui who have lost so much, and for those who are doing their best to help them recover. Let’s pray for God’s supernatural comfort, courage, and strength, and for stories of His faithfulness to emerge from the tragic...
Aug 11, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News
I would like to say a proclamation over you today, as a declaration over your life. My hope is that you will then take this proclamation and say it over your schools, neighborhoods, and places of work. There is great power when we align our words with the truth God...