One of the most powerful ways to grow spiritually is by reading your Bible in a systematic way. This isn’t hard to do—it just requires a bit of intentionality.
Our church’s Daily Bible Reading Plan will take you through the entire Bible in just a year. If that seems like a daunting commitment, start with our new Gospel Reading Plan. It will lead you through the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—in the next 61 days.
Both plans can be completed with just fifteen minutes a day. It doesn’t matter if you read the Bible while you’re sitting with a cup of coffee or if you listen to it while you’re driving to work. It’s about building the habit of being in God’s Word every day.
As you read the Gospels, you’ll recognize the names of some of the places including Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem. You’ll know some of the characters, like Mary and Joseph. There’s a familiarity to the Gospels that makes them accessible—and 61 days is long enough to make Bible reading a habit that will bring blessings into your life.
When you’re ready to get started, we invite you to take it another step further: Invite someone to join you. (You could even forward this page to a friend!) For God to change the heart of our nation, we need more people seeking Him and reading His Word. Inviting a friend, coworker, or family member to read the Bible alongside you will change your conversations, and it’s an easy way to lead with your faith.
— Allen Jackson Ministries