Our children have to see us live out our faith in a vibrant way. Simple things like sharing our biblical worldview at the kitchen table, praying as we go through our day, and working to see other people (even the difficult ones) through the eyes of Jesus, make our faith a fundamental part of our family life—and that changes everything.

I recently invited Amber Gray, an author and mother of three school-aged children, to my podcast to talk about how God helped her family lead with their faith, particularly in the context of their public schools. Amber offers a valuable perspective on how a single family can impact a classroom, a school, and a community for God’s Kingdom, and she wrote a book to help equip and encourage and other families. Learn more about her story on my podcast.

As a new school year begins, let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the children, and for the schools You’ve provided for them across our nation. We come today to invite You back into our schools—the daycares, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and our college campuses. We pray that You’ll give us teachers, administrators, and school board members who fear Your name and stand for righteousness, godliness, and holiness. Let Your presence and protection fill each of those places. Lead, guide, and protect Your children there, and use their lives to reach others and bring them into Your Kingdom.

Lord, help us live out our faith at home in such a way that it defines who we are—then help us take it into our schools and our communities. Give us the courage to uphold what’s right, and to stand against ungodliness, wickedness, immorality, and perversion. May an awakening begin in our hearts, and may it be continued into our spheres of influence.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Before the Bible and the Ten Commandments were removed from our schools, we first took them out of our homes. If we will send our children into the world prepared with their faith and a knowledge of the truth—they will bring Jesus with them, every place they go.

 — Pastor Allen Jackson

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