May 10, 2024 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
Mother’s Day is a very special day for my family. When I was seven years old, the doctors told my mom she had six months to live. Even though we went to church every Sunday, and we knew Christian stories and traditions, we didn’t know Jesus. When my parents faced...
May 7, 2024 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
The following article was published in Decision Magazine in May 2024. by Pastor Allen Jackson Many of us tend to begin our prayers by telling God what we would like Him to do and how we want Him to accomplish it. I’d like you to consider a different approach: Accept...
May 2, 2024 | Ministry News, Prayer Points
On this National Day of Prayer, let’s invite the Creator of all things to bring His best to our lives, our homes, our communities, our nation, and our world. Pastor Allen hosted a National Day of Prayer service last night, and we invite you to watch the service...
Jan 14, 2024 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
We typically think the day begins in the morning with sunrise, but in the Hebrew Bible, the day begins at sunset, and when we awaken in the morning, we join God in the day He has already begun. I like to bring that same imagination to a new year. It’s fresh and...
Dec 25, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
On this Christmas Day, I wanted to take a minute to personally wish you a Merry Christmas. Please watch this short message and join me for a prayer: The holidays have a way of reminding us of what’s difficult or missing in our lives. Let’s change our focus and...
Dec 12, 2023 | Ministry News, Prayer Points
Thank you for the concerned calls and emails. We were not impacted by the tornadoes that moved through the Nashville area on Saturday night. Though a tornado warning was issued just after our church service on Saturday night, our church campus is safe and sound....