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On Memorial Day weekend, we remember those who gave their lives so we could know freedom. Here’s a little challenge that will help you lead with your faith as you gather with friends and family: Take a moment to stop your festivities and bring everyone together to thank God for the brave men and women who died in service to our nation.

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for this holiday weekend and for the opportunity to remember those who laid down their lives for our nation. Thank You for their bravery and for their willingness to serve on our behalf. We lift up the families who watched their loved ones to go into harm’s way—Lord, bless them today and give them Your peace. Help us to be more aware of their sacrifices, and let that awareness give us new courage to take our places and stand for the truth today.

Lord, You have blessed our nation. You have given us liberties and freedoms that are unsurpassed in the history of civilization. We thank You for that, Lord. Fill our hearts with gratitude and reverence as we remember the sacrifices that have been made, and help us to bless and honor the men and women serving in our armed forces today.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Here’s a second challenge for you: Talk about the meaning of Memorial Day with the children in your life. Though we may gather for barbecues and time at the pool, ultimately this weekend is about remembering the sacrifices made so we could enjoy these peaceful gatherings. Let’s be diligent to pass the importance of this holiday to the next generation.

Onward in Him,

Pastor Allen Jackson

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