Honoring Our Veterans

Honoring Our Veterans

With tremendous courage, the men and women in our military stand on our behalf so we can live peaceful lives. They deserve our respect and honor. I have traveled around the globe and have lived in other nations, and I can tell you there is simply no place in the world...
Israel and the Purposes of God

Israel and the Purposes of God

The war in Israel will escalate before it is diminished. To properly understand what’s happening, we need to see the events through a biblical worldview. During Wednesday’s sermon, Step Out of the Crowd — Israel and the Purposes of God, Pastor Allen offered a...
LET’S PRAY for Israel

LET’S PRAY for Israel

We’re witnessing the worst attack on Israel in recent decades, and the best action we can take right now is to pray. Please join me: Heavenly Father, We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the people of Israel. We pray for those who are making decisions on...
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