There are challenges in the earth we haven’t seen before, but there is a God, and He can be known. It’s an amazing fact, and it impacts everything! God is not unknown! He’s chosen to reveal Himself to us, He wants a relationship with us, and He will help us! I got a bit fired up talking about what this means to you and me in this short video:

Watch the full sermon here.

Cultivating a biblical worldview will help bring clarity to things that seem confusing, hazy, and disconnected. It provides a spiritual “filter” to look through, and it’s like putting on glasses. If you need glasses and you don’t have them, the world’s a little fuzzy, but when you get the corrective lenses, everything quickly comes into focus. That’s what a biblical worldview will do for you—It will help you see, recognize, and focus on truth.

We spent several weeks discussing this topic, and you can watch the sermons (and many more!) on our website or our app.

As you watch or listen, take heart! There is a God, and He will guide us, as we continue to seek Him.

— Pastor Allen Jackson

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