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In a culture that tells us Easter is about bunnies, spring flowers, and jellybeans, here are three simple ways you can include Jesus more fully in your Easter weekend:

1. Take time to read the scriptures.
Read about Mary Magdalene discovering Jesus’ empty tomb and Jesus appearing to His disciples after His resurrection. Each gospel offers different insight, and it’s worthwhile to read all of them. If you are with a group of people, each of you can choose a passage to read aloud: Matthew 28Mark 16Luke 24John 20.

2. Attend Easter service.
Unlike many places in our world, we still have the freedom to publicly celebrate our Risen King on Easter. Let’s be diligent to go to church, be with God’s people, and mark this day together. You’re invited to celebrate Easter with us at 6pm CT on Saturday night and 9:30am CT on Sunday morning—on campus or online.

3. Pray with the children.
Inviting a child to pray with you will help them recognize the importance of prayer. After all, if we want our children and grandchildren to attach value to our faith, they will need to see it modeled in our own lives. Here’s a simple prayer you can pray with them:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the chance to celebrate Easter and all the fun that comes with it. Thank You that you sent Your Son, Jesus, to Earth to rescue us from our sins. Thank You that You told us when we believe in Jesus, we will live forever with You in Your Kingdom. Thank You for Jesus’ obedience—that He obeyed you, even unto death on a cross—and thank You that Your perfect plan was to bring Him back to life again on Easter Sunday, conquering death and sin, once-and-for-all. God bless all the churches and all the children celebrating Easter this year, across our country and around the world. Use our lives to tell more people about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross. In Jesus’ name, amen.

On Easter Sunday, Jesus conquered death and sin, once-and-for-all, and through Him we can have eternal life. What an amazing truth to behold and celebrate this weekend!

Happy Easter from all of us on the Allen Jackson Ministries team! He is risen!

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