Prayer for Ukraine

A new spirit of disruption has been introduced to our world over the last several weeks. We see tanks in the streets of Ukraine, the bombing of cities, and tremendous devastation and loss of life. The effects of the war have stretched beyond Ukraine as millions of refugees flood the borders of Poland and other nearby nations, creating new challenges in those places. I believe the central purpose of that conflict is to bring further disruption to our entire world. So let’s pray for the people in Ukraine, those in the surrounding regions, and for our world:

Heavenly Father, we ask for Your mercy upon the people of Ukraine. Lord, we can’t understand the needs they have right now, but we ask You to intervene and make a way where there seems to be no way. Protect them from evil and deliver them from those who would bring destruction. For those who have plotted, schemed, and planned disruption and devastation—may the snares they have set, and the plans they have laid, become the traps into which they fall. Thank You that You are well able.

Lord, we pray for our world and ask You to raise up leaders—men and women who fear Your name, who will give wise counsel, and who will make decisions that will bring freedom and liberty to people, and not greater governmental control. We pray that the name of Jesus would be lifted up in the midst of the turmoil. In all of the confusion and disruption, let there be new platforms, new opportunities, and a new willingness to hear Your Word. Give Your people great boldness and a new anointing today to speak Your truth in such a way that it can be received, from city to city, and nation to nation, and region to region. Thank You that we will see an outpouring of Your Spirit that will impact, not only our community, and our nation, but our world. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Two years ago, COVID served as a powerful tool to introduce tremendous change into our lives, and I believe what we’re watching now is disruption 2.0. COVID was real, and this conflict is real, but there are other agendas at play. I believe the outcome will be determined more by the prayers of God’s people than the plans of global leaders. Don’t be disheartened or discouraged. You are not insignificant or unimportant—your prayers can move nations, change hearts, and alter the course of history. So let’s keep praying, Church!

Onward in Him,

Pastor Allen Jackson

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