May 27, 2021 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
It’s important to thank God for the military members who laid down their lives, that we might live in freedom. We also owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to those who have stood on the frontlines for us for more than 200 years. This Memorial Day weekend,...
May 24, 2021 | Battle Plan, From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
This summer begins with much less fear than the summer of 2020, for that we should all be thankful. However, the threats to our well-being persist. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only power which can transform a human heart and restore us to the Creator’s intended...
May 23, 2021 | Ministry News
What does it look like to stand in the Truth of God’s Word in the face of opposition? Find an example by listening to Pastor Allen’s recent discussion with Lt. Col. Oliver North and Gen. William G. Boykin — two men who continue to stand firm in their...
May 20, 2021 | Battle Plan, From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pastor Allen began issuing weekly Battle Plans, with thoughts, scriptures, and prayers to help us navigate through each week. As the year unfolded, it became apparent that our battle wasn’t just against a virus. We are...
May 9, 2021 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News, Prayer Points
As violence washes across our nation, city after city, distrust toward law enforcement and rejection of authority continues to be cultivated. As Christ-followers, we must choose to be an awake and active influence, even if the violence has not yet reached our own...