We Made the Match!

We Made the Match!

We wanted you to be amongst the first to know that we not only met the million-dollar year-end match, but we exceeded it! Pastor Allen would like to thank you—please watch this quick video: As we begin this new year, we are asking God for His wisdom and guidance, and...

Merry Christmas!

A baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger sounds so romantic, but I guarantee it wasn’t Mary and Joseph’s preference. I’ve spent a good chunk of my life feeding animals, and the place where you put the grain and hay for the livestock is not...
Struggling Through the Holidays?

Struggling Through the Holidays?

This time of the year is supposed to be joyful, but for many of us, the holidays come with pressure, hard circumstances, and difficult emotions. I think it’s important to acknowledge the challenges, in order to recognize the One who brings us joy. I hope this...
Battle Plan #69

Battle Plan #69

Download Printable PDF Battle Plan 69December 19-26, 2021 It is Christmas week! A wonderful reminder of God’s expression of grace and mercy towards us. He launched a rescue plan on our behalf—in a stable in Bethlehem. Only those with an open heart were aware that God...
God Is Moving and We Are Growing!

God Is Moving and We Are Growing!

There are seasons of heightened significance; defining moments where the choices we make have long-term impacts upon our lives, and our futures. We are experiencing one of those seasons. We intend to be fully committed to following God into new places, including these...
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