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If you watch Pastor Allen’s sermons over live stream, we may not be able to greet you in person, but we just created another way to welcome you to church: our NEW preservice show.

Join us online ten minutes before the start of each worship service for a special greeting and time with our church staff. You’ll be able to:

  • Engage in the chat and interact with other people watching online.
  • See highlights from additional content we’re creating at Allen Jackson Ministries and World Outreach Church.
  • Gain more insight on the themes and ideas Pastor Allen presents in his messages.
  • Find practical ways to put your faith into action.

We hope this time will help you deepen your connection with our online community, our ministry—and especially our King!

Join us on Facebook, YouTube, or our Live Stream each Wednesday at 6:20pm CT, Saturday at 5:50pm CT, and Sunday at 9:20am CT. We’re excited to see you online!

— Allen Jackson Ministries

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