We don’t need to be afraid for our children. While it’s true we’re living in an increasingly wicked world, we have the power to push back against the evil. Let’s be faithful to pray for the children, show them who Jesus is in our lives, and invite the Spirit of God to help them know the truth, recognize deception, and stand firmly in Christ.
Let’s pray for the children:
Heavenly Father, thank You for the children. Thank You for their young lives and that they aren’t just the future of the Church—they are the Church today. Thank You, Lord, that You know each and every child. You know their circumstances and the details of their lives, and we ask You to intervene. We cry out to You on their behalf and ask for mercy. Give them a vision of Yourself that would change the trajectory of their lives. May they have a revelation of Jesus. We pray for their parents. As they provide guidance, maintain boundaries, and speak into their lives, help them to speak with wisdom that comes from You.
Lord, we recognize the conflict, turmoil, confusion, and voices competing for our children’s attention. Lord, be merciful to the children. Raise up voices to speak the truth—voices they will hear, understand, and respect. May they have understanding hearts and discernment far beyond their years. May a spirit of righteousness, holiness, and purity be poured out upon them. Deliver them from the spirit of the world and those spirits that would prey upon them and take them far from You.
We praise You, Lord, that we will see with our own eyes a generation of young people called to serve You, unlike anything we’ve witnessed in our lifetimes. In Jesus’ name, amen.
We spent the last week with 400 fourth and fifth grade students on our campus. We had ropes courses, climbing towers, food, and games—but beyond the fun, our goal was to build their character and provide leadership training before they reach middle school. Our prayer is that they would see and know Jesus in a new way, so their lives would be forever changed.
I had the opportunity to talk with them over the course of the week. God is moving, and it became so clear how much today’s children need us—they need our guidance, our leadership, and our prayers. Let’s be faithful to pray for them—that they would have a personal understanding of who they are in Christ and their purposes in His Kingdom.
Onward in Him,
Pastor Allen Jackson