Tiny little Israel occupies a strip of land God promised to the Jewish people way back in the beginning of the book of Genesis. Today, Israel is surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who are sworn to its destruction, yet it flourishes. Thinking about Israel should encourage us; If God can cause Israel to thrive, He can take care of you and me.

A visit to the land of Israel will change your Bible, and it will change your faith. I recently returned from Israel and posted videos on social media along the way, showing some of the locations I visited and offering a bit of insight about those places and how they relate to our world today. Watch this video and you can enjoy some of the trip with me:

If you didn’t realize I was out of town (or if you were wondering where I’ve been!), you can stay up-to-date with me and the ministry by following us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.

We keep each platform busy with fresh encouragement, timely prayers, helpful scriptures, biblical perspectives on current events, and videos and ministry news you won’t find anywhere else. You can share all of it with the people in your sphere of influence—It’s an easy way to lead with your faith!

— Pastor Allen Jackson

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