It’s been a year of leading with our faith at Allen Jackson Ministries. Here are just a few of the great things that happened in 2023:
- We’re on TBN seven days a week and just added Sundays at 6pm ET.
- Now broadcasting internationally on Kingdom Satellite, reaching over 260 million Arabic-speaking homes.
- Traveled to cities across the nation to speak to pastors and meet with ministry friends.
- Published a 90-day devotional, Lessons from Peter.
- Launched our Ministry Partners program to recognize faithful supporters of the ministry.
- Hosted TBN Centerpoint in January and served as a frequent guest on the show.
- Interviewed 2024 presidential candidates for TBN.
- Filmed a TBN special about Christian persecution.
- Interviewed on talk shows, radio stations, and podcasts, sharing God’s truth on many platforms beyond our own.
- Your involvement with the ministry shows us that God is using our messages to impact your life—and that’s the best news on our list!
As we move into 2024, we intend to share our messages more broadly—both internationally and in strategic regions of the United States. To do this, we plan to build a new production studio as part of World Outreach Church’s current campus expansion. The $5 million studio will allow us to produce high-quality video and audio broadcasts and reach more people, more efficiently, and more effectively than ever before. Here are the preliminary illustrations:

Please pray for us as we continue to follow God in these new ways, and prayerfully consider making a generous year-end gift to help us move forward. Remember, when you donate by December 31, your donation will be matched—and if you give $60 or more, you can request a full-sized ESV Journaling Bible as a “thank you” for your support.
Thank you for coming alongside us, and for all you’re doing to bring God’s hope and truth to your families, your friends, and your communities. God is moving, and He’s doing it through His Church.
— Allen Jackson Ministries