We’re in the midst of a leadership crisis, and I’m not just talking about the politicians in Washington D.C. We need leadership from a biblical worldview at every level of our culture, and that includes you and me.

You were designed by God Almighty to lead. This is not about titles, or positions. It’s not about where you fit on an organizational chart, or the nameplate on a door, or a desk, or a work station. Your assignment comes from the throne of God.

Watch this short video and I’ll tell you more:

I’ve been working through a series of sermons exploring what it means to lead with your faith—purposefully and intentionally using your influence for the Kingdom of God. They offer tools that can help you make a difference for the Kingdom, everyplace you go, and you can find all of them on our website.

It’s time to write a new chapter and begin a new way. I believe we will see—in the immediate future—a whole generation of people who are willing to lead with their faith.

Onward in Him,

Pastor Allen Jackson

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