Dear Friend,
Even though we’re walking through a season of turmoil and realignment, I’m encouraged because that means we could come out with a stronger faith. It’s been our Christian faith, and our Judeo-Christian worldview, that has held our nation together throughout our history—shaping our laws, our education system, and our lives. I have hope in Almighty God and His ability to restore our nation as we pray and repent, choose to pursue godliness and purity, and offer Him thanks in the midst of the confusion.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-18
You see, God told us to give thanks in all things, not just when the weather’s beautiful and all is going well. Thankfulness has very little to do with emotion, and everything to do with obedience—giving expressions of gratitude because God told us to do so. Choosing to give thanks will bring benefits to us, opening ourselves more fully to God’s grace and His involvement in our lives.
On the other hand, a lack of gratitude hardens our hearts and draws us away from Jesus. Few things will plummet us towards destruction more quickly than cultivating an ungrateful heart. If we look through the biblical narratives, grumbling is one of the most persistent characteristics of the Exodus generation. These people saw the plagues visit upon their enemies and watched the Red Sea part so they could escape slavery in Egypt. They ate manna every day, and drank water from a rock, but they still complained and grumbled.
One thing we can conclude from this is that the supernatural involvement of God will not make us thankful. I believe our God heals and delivers, and that His power is present to change our lives but, like the Israelites, God moving in our midst may not cause us to be thankful. Thankfulness is not an emotion. It starts with a decision of the will. We have to choose to be grateful, and it starts with being intentional with our thoughts.
… whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
God has been good to us! We have food to eat, and clothes to wear, and health care available. As we give thanks, we’ll find that it dispels anxiety and dislodges despair. So, if you struggle with discouragement or heaviness, one of the things you can do to weaken its role in your life is to purposely give time and energy to being thankful.
It’s also Christmastime, and we are preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus—God breaking into our world in a tangible way. Jesus was a revolution that changed human history and the destiny of humanity. We need a revolution again. We’re standing in a place as a nation where, if we maintain the pathway we are on, we will forfeit our liberties, our freedoms, and our abundance. The best things that have defined our lives are in the balance. The solution is not going to come to us from a politician or a political party. Though they may be delivery systems, fundamentally, we need a heart change. Thank God that the same Jesus who was born in a stable in Bethlehem is still the Head of the Church in the 21st century, both in this nation and throughout the Earth. That gives me tremendous hope!
In the spirit of thanks, I want to thank you for your partnership. It’s been one of the most remarkable years as a ministry that we have ever known. God has opened doors beyond our imagination, and it’s because of your faithfulness in giving and your prayers that we have been able to respond to many of these. We are making our plans for 2022, and we intend to proclaim, “Jesus is Lord” with greater intensity, in more ways, more broadly in the year ahead than in any time since this ministry has existed. It’s time for the Truth to be told, and I believe God has given you and me an assignment to do that with clarity and courage in this season.
I ask you to consider making the greatest investment in ministry that you have ever made. A friend of our ministry committed a one-million-dollar matching grant to double every dollar you give to our ministry until the end of the year. Prayerfully ask the Lord what your role in this may be.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts … whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:15,17
The peace of God comes from choosing to be grateful and thankful, no matter what we face. Fearful things are happening in the world, but God has placed us in this generation for a purpose. As He leads us forward, I believe we could see the most remarkable moving of the Spirit of God that America has ever known.
Onward in Him,
Pastor Allen Jackson