Sanctuary of Scripture: The Walk Way
Week Five
Saying yes to the Lord will impact your relationships, your schedule, and your resources. God has entrusted us with an invitation to boldly respond to this unique season we are facing. Through sacrificial generosity we will experience together the greatest expansion of ministry our church has ever known. Join us in praying this week about what sacrificial giving might look like in your life.
Heavenly Father, Your faithfulness is a promise to Your people through all generations. I recognize my hesitancy to believe that and quickly cooperate with You. Help me believe Your word and accept Your invitations. I choose to become an encourager to those pursuing You. I want to honor You with my life and my resources. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Lord, I want to please You and love Your people as You do. Increase my faith so that Your perspective becomes my first priority. May my investment in You and Your people be so obvious that all who know me will understand pleasing You is my greatest aim. Thank You for Your church and all of the ministries it provides. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Heavenly Father, the life You have given me, I gratefully offer to You in service. Reveal what I need to lay down that I have greater freedom to serve You and grant me the grace to embrace all that aligns to Your agenda for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Almighty Father, today I understand that by giving Your Son for me and providing for my daily needs, You’ve shown me how I should give. Your example stirs my desire to give back to You and to the things You care about. Teach me to give back to You just as You have given to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Lord, when I think about what sacrifice might mean in my life, insecurity and fear rise up in me. Help my vision to be Your vision. May I honor You with my time, talents, and resources so that I may be used as an effective instrument in bringing glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Almighty Father, I don’t want to miss the blessing and joy of giving to Your work because of my fear or insecurity. I want to trust You completely. Give me understanding of Your perspective on the money You have entrusted to me. Show me how to use the resources You have blessed me with to further Your work. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You see what is given, both publicly and privately. Help me to have a generous heart. Show me opportunities to serve You and Your people with my gifts. In Jesus’ name, amen.