Morning Prayer
Heavenly Father, grant me a revelation of Jesus that is more real than the challenges of my life. Give me an understanding heart that I may know You. I rejoice today in the faithfulness of my God—You are my Rock and my Redeemer. I choose to walk the path, which You illuminate. I choose truth over falsehood, faithfulness over skepticism, hope over despair; I choose to walk in the light. Thank You for Your great mercy on my behalf. I know You will complete what You have begun in me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Mid-day Prayer
Almighty God, You welcome those who seek You and respond to them with expressions of grace and mercy. We are a people in need of healing, we have pursued our agendas while neglecting Yours. We have enjoyed abundance for which others have sacrificed. Holy Spirit, lead us in paths of righteousness, open our hearts to understand the majesty of our Lord. Respond to us from Your compassion, Your judgments are justified and righteous. We entrust ourselves into Your care, may we be found pleasing in Your sight, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Evening Proclamation
God has uniquely blessed us — the best is yet to come.
God has heard our prayers.
God has healed our bodies.
God has restored our marriages.
God has protected our children.
God has delivered us from oppression.
We live in a season of shaking. God is shaking the earth.
He is restoring the Jewish people and purifying His Church.
If we look at the things which can be shaken, we will be filled with terror.
If we look at the eternal Kingdom of our Lord, we will be filled with anticipation.
Our determination as we gather today is to declare before one another & Almighty God
We are not satisfied.
We are not distracted.
We are not weary in doing good.
We are not discouraged.
We have our eyes on the cross and our hearts set on the prize.
We believe the One who has promised is Faithful.
We believe the Holy Spirit is our Helper.
We believe that what we ask in Jesus’ name our Father provides.
We believe that the King of Kings is returning to the earth in all of His glory —
and we intend to be about His business until that moment in time.