We typically think the day begins in the morning with sunrise, but in the Hebrew Bible, the day begins at sunset, and when we awaken in the morning, we join God in the day He has already begun. I like to bring that same imagination to a new year. It’s fresh and new to us, but God is not surprised by what’s ahead.
What would happen if we set our hearts on joining the Lord in His plans for 2024, instead of asking Him to join ours? Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father,
I thank You for the great honor of joining You in a new year. Today, I present myself to You as a living sacrifice. Let Your purposes be fulfilled through my life this year—in my home, my neighborhood, at work, and within my church community. By my words and actions, may the name of Jesus be lifted up and Your Kingdom extended so people can be encouraged and find hope, deliverance, truth, and peace. Thank You that the Spirit within me is greater than the spirit that opposes You in this world. I give You glory and honor, and I thank You that Christ in me is more-than-adequate for every challenge before me.
In Jesus’ name, amen
As we continue into 2024, let’s begin each day by turning our attitudes and thoughts toward the Lord with a simple prayer like this: “God, thank You for the day. Thank You for the strength to join You in Your plans. Help me stay close to You, follow You, and honor You today.” Then, use your experience and the influence God has given you to be an advocate for Jesus wherever you go.
Let’s make this a year marked by our diligence as we join the Lord in the new things He’s doing.
Pastor Allen Jackson