Thank you for the concerned calls and emails. We were not impacted by the tornadoes that moved through the Nashville area on Saturday night. Though a tornado warning was issued just after our church service on Saturday night, our church campus is safe and sound. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for many people north of Nashville. A strong tornado tore through the city of Clarksville, and another tornado pushed through densely-populated areas of Nashville, Hendersonville, and Gallatin. Six people died, and at least 36 were injured. Workers are still assessing the extent of the damage, which is considerable.

Let’s take a moment to pray for them:

Heavenly Father,

We pray for those who were impacted by the tornadoes on Saturday night. Where there was a great loss, and even the loss of life, we pray You would bring comfort. Lord, help those families who lost loved ones. Give them Your peace, which surpasses understanding. Open the channels that need to be opened so relief can make its way to those who need it. Let there be cooperation and unity as support is given. Protect them from people who would prey upon them when they are most vulnerable. Lord, bring peace to their minds, health to their bodies, and a confidence that the days ahead will be better. Thank You that nothing is hidden from You, nothing escapes Your notice, and You are well able to help. Thank You for Your faithfulness to Your people in the earth.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Whenever there is destruction or a difficult event, look for where God is moving. A local television channel reported that a warehouse holding toys for 500 families in need was destroyed by the tornado in Hendersonville. But when they went in to assess the damages, the nonprofit discovered most of the toys were still there. They said, “We just went in & somehow, someway, truly only a God Thing—the majority of our items we think are okay!!!” 

It will require significant time and effort to restore these communities. Please continue to pray for them in the days and weeks ahead— especially as we approach Christmas.

— Allen Jackson Ministries

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