Have you noticed that Pastor Allen’s sermons actually contain several mini-sermons? So did we! To make it easy to access some of his most powerful teachings and helpful insights, we recently created two new playlists on the Allen Jackson Ministries YouTube Channel:

  • A Biblical Take on Today’s Topics offers a biblical perspective on current events like gender confusion, Christian Nationalism, the Twitter Files, elections, and more.

  • Topical Clips unpack a spiritual principle or truth. Find helpful insight about miracles, forgiveness, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, how to receive salvation, trusting in God’s provision, and more.

Each video is short enough to enjoy on your lunch break, or any time you have 10-15 minutes to invest in strengthening your faith. We’re adding new videos to these playlists every week—be sure to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any. And since they are on YouTube, you can easily share them with your friends.

We’re excited to boldly take the truth of Jesus into places like YouTube—a platform that’s been fraught with censorship and canceling. Thank you for standing alongside us with your prayers and your financial support. Together, we’re spreading God’s hope and truth to people who desperately need real answers.

— Allen Jackson Ministries

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