As we approach election day, it’s a critical time to be praying for our nation. We’re hosting a 48-hour prayer watch this weekend beginning Saturday, November 2, at 6pm CT and ending Monday, November 4, at 6pm CT.
Will you take an hour to pray with us for our nation, our election, and our leaders? There are several ways you can participate:
On Campus
Join us in Genesis Sanctuary at the top of each hour for a one-hour, video-led prayer session. Learn more and register here.
On Our Livestream
Participate in the prayer watch with others in our online community by joining our livestream at 12pm (noon) CT on Monday, November 4, on Facebook, YouTube, or the World Outreach Church website.
On YouTube
Find the prayer watch any time after 6pm CT on Saturday, November 2, on the World Outreach Church YouTube channel. The one-hour prayer session will be available on demand, so you can complete it on your own—or gather a group and pray together!
Go Vote!
In addition to praying, be sure to put your faith into action by going to the polls to cast your vote—then encourage your friends and family to do the same.
— Allen Jackson Ministries