This month brings an unparalleled opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus. People are more receptive to invitations and expressions of kindness during the Christmas season than perhaps any other time of the year. But there is also great resistance to messaging that honors the Lord, and that needs to change.
Let’s pray for the darkness to go, and for God to open doors so the name of Jesus will be exalted in every community across our nation:
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for this remarkable time of the year when we can celebrate the birth of our King. As we continue to move toward Christmas, we ask You to open doors in unexpected places and in unexpected ways. May new voices and platforms use the opportunities You’ve given them to honor our Lord. In place after place, and circumstance after circumstance, may Jesus’ name be lifted up. Where there’s resistance, we pray it will crumble. When there’s hesitancy, we pray it will yield. When there’s opposition, we pray it will fail. We pray the darkness would be turned back so people in bondage would find freedom and those who are desperate would find hope. We thank You for what You’re doing and that You’re moving in the earth. We present ourselves today to say we would like to be a part, and we will give You glory and honor for all You do.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
We have a whole season to celebrate the birth of our Lord and King, and that’s an amazing truth to behold. Instead of being passive, let’s decide to lean in and allow God to use our skills, talents, and resources to bring Him glory.
Let the change begin with us this Christmas season!
— Pastor Allen Jackson