It’s Time To Celebrate!

It’s Time To Celebrate!

We wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU! Because of your generous support, we EXCEEDED the $1 million year-end match! These resources will allow us to explore new opportunities, and we’ll keep you posted on what unfolds! We have more good news: Our new...
A Fresh Approach to the New Year

A Fresh Approach to the New Year

We typically think the day begins in the morning with sunrise, but in the Hebrew Bible, the day begins at sunset, and when we awaken in the morning, we join God in the day He has already begun. I like to bring that same imagination to a new year. It’s fresh and...
A Christmas Prayer

A Christmas Prayer

On this Christmas Day, I wanted to take a minute to personally wish you a Merry Christmas. Please watch this short message and join me for a prayer: The holidays have a way of reminding us of what’s difficult or missing in our lives. Let’s change our focus and...
Pastor Allen on Centerpoint December 14

Pastor Allen on Centerpoint December 14

Pastor Allen visited Centerpoint on TBN Thursday, December 14, to discuss antisemitism in American colleges and the war in Israel. He offers historical information about Israel and the areas surrounding it, and a biblical perspective on the war. You can watch the...
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