Interviews on Bott Radio & The First TV

Interviews on Bott Radio & The First TV

Check out these recent interviews with Pastor Allen: Bott Radio: Pastor Allen spoke with Steven Solomon from Bott Radio about ministry, leadership, and impacting our culture with God’s truth. You can also find out how Pastor Allen spends his free time! The First...
Pastor Allen Speaking at The Believers’ Summit

Pastor Allen Speaking at The Believers’ Summit

Pastor Allen will be speaking at The Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 26 to 28, 2024. TPUSA Faith created the summit to be, “a transformative event designed to unite Christians across America, equipping them with the biblical wisdom...
Watch the 2024 Conference On YouTube!

Watch the 2024 Conference On YouTube!

As we planned the Culture & Christianity Conference, we prayed God would multiply our efforts and make this two-day event a transformative experience. We continue to be amazed at the many ways He showed up. Between the engaging speakers, the powerful worship, and...
Godly Fathers Impact Eternity

Godly Fathers Impact Eternity

Fatherhood is God’s idea, and we desperately need godly men. Despite all our blessings and our heritage of faith, we’re in a crisis. The United States leads the world in fatherlessness. Rather than bemoan the situation, let’s be intentional about strengthening the...
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