Should Christians talk about issues in our culture or stay silent, so we don’t offend anyone? What happens when the Church stops talking about current events? Can our faith impact the world around us and bring long-lasting change to the people in our nation?
These are the types of topics we’ll tackle in our new small group study, Jesus, His Followers & Politics. This four-session study is completely FREE, and it’s available right now on the World Outreach Church website. Each session includes a short video teaching from Pastor Allen and a study guide with discussion questions. It’s short enough to complete over a lunch break and in-depth enough to inspire meaningful conversation.
Gain strength to share your biblical worldview as you recognize how topics that are called “political” are actually biblical principles—like the sanctity of human life, that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, and that God created us either male or female. Together, we’ll work to dispel the confusion surrounding us by examining God’s Truth. Learn more and register now!
— Allen Jackson Ministries