With tremendous courage, the men and women in our military stand on our behalf so we can live peaceful lives. They deserve our respect and honor.
I have traveled around the globe and have lived in other nations, and I can tell you there is simply no place in the world like the United States of America. Our freedoms come from the sacrifice made by our veterans, our service members, and their families. Please join me in praying for them today:
Let’s Pray:
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for our nation. You called it into existence, and You have literally opened the windows of Heaven to pour blessings on us. Thank You for the men and women who have stood watch, serving on our behalf; for those who have left their homes and their families, putting themselves at risk; for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice that we might have freedom; and for their families and the sacrifices they have made so our freedoms and liberties would be extended. Lord, we bless all of these people today and ask that You would be attentive to their needs and their prayers. We also pray for those who are standing watch on our behalf today. Strengthen them, protect them, and comfort them. Give us leaders who fear You and make the kind of choices that it would please You to bring Your blessings upon us, once again.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Every generation has to make a decision regarding freedom, and we are no different. We can enjoy the freedoms others have paid for, gobbling them up like entitled children, or we can make the sacrifices necessary to defend the principles we believe are valuable. Our decisions today will determine the extent to which our freedoms and liberties extend to next generation.
May God bless our veterans and our military members as we honor them this Veterans Day, and may God bless America, once again.
— Pastor Allen Jackson