It’s not only acceptable to talk about current events—it’s biblical.
The Bible provides example after example of God calling people to stand for Him in the midst of their culture—consider every Hebrew prophet, John the Baptist, Jesus, and others. They could have chosen to stay silent because it was easier, but they were more concerned with pleasing the Lord than appeasing men.
In today’s political climate, it’s tempting to avoid speaking about difficult topics and blend in so we won’t be “cancelled.” But our assignment in the world is not to secure ourselves. It’s to be salt and light, wherever God places us.
2 Timothy 1:7 tells us, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” It’s time for God’s people to boldly speak our biblical worldview into our culture. That’s what Pastor Allen has been doing in many places beyond World Outreach Church, including these:
Centerpoint Election HQ Special
It’s rare for a pastor to have the opportunity to interview presidential candidates on national television! Watch Pastor Allen’s discussions with Senator Tim Scott and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on TBN’s website.
The Eric Metaxas Show
While Pastor Allen was in New York City for a pastors event, he stopped to talk with Eric Metaxas about lawlessness, the southern border, gender confusion, and the responsibility of the American church in our culture. Watch their insightful discussion on Rumble.
Tomi Lahren Is Fearless
Tomi Lahren says, “The Bible Belt is going WOKE!” and Pastor Allen joined her on OutKick for an informative conversation about gender modification surgeries on children, the recent school shooting at a Nashville Christian school, and much more. See what they had to say on OutKick’s YouTube channel.
At The Core Podcast
Pastor Allen spoke with Walker Wildmon on American Family Radio’s podcast, At the Core. Hear what he had to say about our role as Christ-followers in our generation, and the importance of strengthening ourselves so we can stand in God’s Truth as deception increases. Listen to the podcast, or watch it on Facebook.
Speaking at Pastor Events
Pastors need encouragement as their churches recover from the Covid pandemic, and Pastor Allen traveled to New York City to speak with 1000+ pastors at the WMCA Salem Radio Pastor Appreciation Breakfast. He also participated in a panel discussion called “Pastoring in America,” at the TPUSA Faith Pastors Summit in Nashville last week.
It has become acceptable in today’s culture to attack and belittle Jesus, Christians, and our biblical worldview, and the people of God cannot afford to be silent. As God presents more opportunities to confront false narratives with the truth of the gospel, WE WILL NOT STOP being bold for Him, wherever and however He leads.
As you determine to do the same in your circles of influence—sharing your God-stories and your biblical worldview at the ball fields, at school, at work, and at your own kitchen table—God will meet us, and He will move in ways far beyond what we can imagine.
— Allen Jackson Ministries