Dear Friend,
I think we imagine that when God moves, everything will become easier, simpler, and more clear. But that doesn’t seem to be what we are experiencing.
These days, truth seems both unusual and unexpected. Manipulation and deception are presented as normal and acceptable patterns, from the corporate boardroom, to the media outlets, to our social media platforms. The spirit of confusion has joined forces with the spirit of fear—they’re both far more prevalent than they were 18 months ago.
Our globe is changing, our lives are transforming, and our communities are shifting. There’s uncertainty ahead of us, and it’s going to take strength and great courage to be a Christ-follower. But we don’t have to be afraid, or anxious, or uncertain. We have an unseen Advocate who watches over us. “… And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith” (1 John 5:4 ®ESV).
Before COVID-19, we invited God into our lives to help us do our business. God, in his great mercy and wisdom, has awakened us to the fact that we are on this Earth to do His business. We imagine the Lord’s path for us doesn’t include sacrifice and resistance, but at times it does. Following the Holy Spirit isn’t about our immediate comfort. His desire is to move in us, and through us, and on our behalf for lasting outcomes.
God is preparing a people. He’s purifying His Church, and He’s doing it in spite of the many political and ideological factions that stand in opposition. It’s an amazing time!
If we’re going to continue to see a move of the Spirit of God, it will require us to pursue the Lord in a new way. We need to intentionally shore up the fundamentals of our faith. We must allow our Bibles to become the primary filter through which we see and understand the world. That involves reading our Bibles in a daily, systematic way, and allowing it to be integrated into every aspect of who we are.
We also need to pray. Jesus was the perfect, sinless, obedient son of God, but He understood to complete His journey, and to maintain His strength, time in prayer with the Lord was essential. If it was important for Jesus, do you suppose it should be important for us, too? Jesus, Himself cautions us of its importance: If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers … If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples (John 15:6-7 ®NIV).
As we determine to see our world through spiritual eyes, and listen with spiritual ears, and think with the discernment of the Spirit of God, we will learn how to act on behalf of God’s purposes on the Earth. God is inviting us to be different; to be more bold, and more direct, and more courageous in our faith.
As we invest ourselves in the eternal Kingdom of God with our actions, and our thoughts, and our energies, and our resources, the Bible says we’ll be rewarded for all eternity. “And behold, I am coming quickly, any My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work” (Revelation 22:12 ®NKJV). We need to know that, because it will help us to endure.
The book of Revelation was written to overcomers. It presupposes hardships, and difficulties, and problems, and challenges. We’re called to be overcomers. When we find ourselves in challenging situations, it doesn’t mean God has withdrawn from us, or is displeased with us, or is angry with us. He’s asking us to stand in His strength to overcome!
God gives us each unique assignments and ministers to us as individuals. He knows our needs. He’s aware of our circumstances. He knows our struggles. He cares about us. He is mindful and attentive to those who seek Him, and who stand on His behalf. If you’re making a sacrifice and you don’t see the benefit in this moment, you can trust that God is just, and He is working. If you have endured, and there hasn’t been a path of escape, or a means of deliverance in the timeframe that you prefer, I assure you God is trustworthy. Don’t give in to the weariness. Afterall, weariness is a symptom of exertion. It comes from growing, learning, and standing. If we’re doing that, we can trust that God will renew our strength and refresh us. He is faithful!
We are living through a significant spiritual battle. The Church, aware, awake, and involved, is fundamental. God is preparing His people. I’m watching Him do it, and it’s one the most amazing seasons of my life. You are of tremendous value to the emerging purposes of God. Our prayers and humble submission to God will make the difference. I’m grateful to be with you on this journey.
Onward in Him,
Pastor Allen Jackson