Nov 30, 2023 | Ministry News, Radio & TV Updates
We just added a new airtime on TBN — Sunday nights at 6pm ET. This means you can now watch Pastor Allen three different times on Sundays—choose the one that works best for your schedule! In addition to this new airtime, Pastor Allen is also on TBN every day at 5:00am...
Nov 29, 2023 | Ministry News, Radio & TV Updates
Pastor Allen visited Centerpoint on TBN Wednesday night, November 29, to discuss the release of the hostages in Israel. Watch the show on TBN On Demand. Centerpoint, the “nightly news” of TBN, equips viewers with understanding on the issues of the day and...
Nov 28, 2023 | Ministry News, Radio & TV Updates
We have great news! We recently began broadcasting Pastor Allen’s messages in Arabic on Kingdom Satellite, reaching 260 million Arabic-speaking homes and subscribers in the Middle East, North Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. Dr. Michael Youssef founded Kingdom...
Nov 27, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News
The following article was published on on November 27, 2023 by Pastor Allen Jackson It’s time for the Church to be honest. We’ve been asking God to preserve our freedoms and liberties, but we really want Him to provide somebody else to do it for...
Nov 24, 2023 | From Pastor Allen, Ministry News
As we continue through Thanksgiving weekend, let’s take a minute to thank the Lord, once again. We have so many freedoms, liberties, and resources available to us, it’s been rather easy to turn our hearts away from Him. One of the best ways I know to overcome that is...